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Buy Sativa hemp seeds.

This category presents seeds of Sativa genetic line.

Characteristics of Sativa breed

This is a tall-growing breed of hemp, bushes are of up to 3 meters high.    Sativa leaves are much more narrow than Indica leaves and are more light-colored.  Stem of this plant is quite thick and have rare branches and during ripening it becomes empty inside.  Sativa has got small inflorescences, which are sticky at ripening. Sativa cones have a specific smell and a prolate form.

From history of Sativa

Sativa properties were first described by the Greek physician and pharmacologist Dioscorides who used hemp for military medicine purposes yet before the Christ.  Sativa originates from equatorial regions - Thailand, Jamaica, Mexico, Cambodia etc. Up-to-date Sativa bushes grow all over the world.

Period of Sativa growth and blossoming

Sativa needs a lot of light for ripening. It can be explained by the fact that in countries of Sativa origin the weather is quite warm and sunny.  Period of 8 to 15 weeks is needed for complete ripening of Sativa cones. During the blossoming period Sativa needs special attention as far as during this period it must be especially strong. For better harvest it is recomended to sprout seeds under room conditions and in spring, in July or May it is recomended to plant it out.

Advantages of Sativa

Sativa has been always praised by grouvers as well as by amateurs. And it is not in vain as far as this very breed causes peculiar narcotic effect on consumers. Sativa causes a clear intellectual rush and a strong energy boost. That's why it is suits for active parties and intellectual conversations.

Buy Sativa seeds

At our shop you can quickly buy Sativa seeds of hemp with delivery to any part of the world and security guarantees.

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